1995- CST
Mthinte established as an operator of 3x MNO's license obligations in projects called community services telephones ("CST)
2001 - USAL
Facilitated the formation of Kingdom Communications which later acquired an Under-Services Area License.
2009 - IECNS & IECS
Facilitated the formation of Kingdom Communications which later acquired an Under-Services Area License.
2012 - DAC
Mthinte rolls out Computer Labs in 90 schools and is subsidised for establishment of 33 Public ICT Access Facilities or Digital Access Centres ("DACI), all with high-speed internet connectivity.
2020 - TVWS
Mthinte was awarded TV White Space Spectrum which was used to set up a network in Donnybrook, KZN.
2023 - 5G Spectrum
Mthinte was awarded a Radio Frequency Spectrum license in 3.7GHz band which allows the provision of 5G services.